["A0S01121": "Yitzhak Zuckerman's youth", "A0S02016": "Mounting perils", "A1S03031": "The Hehalutz movement withdraws eastward", "A1S05031": "Yitzhak Zuckerman returns to the West", "A2S15061": "Marek Edelman's job in the hospital", "A2S19011": "Music in the Ghetto", "A2S26011": "The Dying Prince", "A2S27031": "Treblinka is created", "A3S01061": "Reactions to Czerniakow's suicide", "A3S02101": "Yitzhak Zuckerman during roundups", "A3S07041": "Fighters tempted by suicide", "A3S10012": "Ghetto re-organized into blocks", "A3S11041": "Israel Furst is murdered", "A4S03051": "On the roofs", "A4S05012": "The JFO grows", "A4S06041": "Yitzhak Zuckerman meets Henryk Wolynski", "A4S09031": "Zuckerman at Pessach", "A5S02091": "A letter from Anielewicz", "A5S02111": "Zuckerman is outside the Ghetto", "A5S03051": "Anielewicz's last letter", "A7S01021": "A Jewish fighting unit", "A7S02011": "The Soviet Army liberates Poland", "A7S03031": "Yitzhak Zuckerman leaves for Palestine", "A7S05011": "Trials of Nazi criminals", "EO03": "Archives", "EP06": "Yitzhak Zuckerman", "EP17": "Adolf Berman", "EP61": "Zygmunt Friedrich"]